Thursday, November 27, 2008


I'm grateful for ONE husband. Rich is kind and loving and generous and funny and I'm so grateful that he is my best friend and eternal companion. I love to sit with him on the loveseat with his arm around me ~ that's where I belong.

I'm grateful for TWO wonderful parents. They love me and continually support me and my family. They are perfect examples of living righteous, service-oriented lives. I'm thankful and proud to be their daughter.

I'm grateful for THREE daughters who are amazing women. They are sweet and loving and my friends. I'm proud of the women they have grown to become and my life is so blessed because of them.

I'm grateful for FOUR seasons. I love this beautiful earth God created for us and especially I'm thankful I get to live in this scenic spot upon it. I love watching the seasons change on my mountain, Timpanogos.

I'm grateful for FIVE grandchildren. I just love their little faces and words and especially their hugs and kisses. I love you Connor, Ayden, Abigail, Sophie and Andrew!

I'm grateful for SIX sons. Three I gave birth to and three who became my sons when they married my daughters. I love that they, too, have grown to become my friends. I'm thankful that they can lift heavy items, move furniture and fix things (like lamps and computers) and they cheerfully serve me.

I'm grateful for SEVEN days of the week; for my time and life on this earth and that I know about the Great Plan of Happiness that began with the Creation of this earth in seven days. I'm thankful that I have work to do, and that I'm able to care for my family and home and serve in the Church and create.

I'm grateful for EIGHT ~ the number of notes in an octave. I love music; I'm thankful that I can play the piano and listen to all kinds of music on CDs and my ipod and the car radio. This time of year I'm especially thankful for Christmas music because it's focused on the SAVIOR. My favorite music during the Holiday season is Handel's MESSIAH. (the Messiah Sing-in in Saturday in Heber!)

I'm grateful for NINE - nine is my favorite number because it's three threes and it represents my love of good design and beauty in man-made things. All beauty and good design is inspired of God, and I'm grateful that my soul is enriched by art and architecture.


laura said...

Great post, Mom. I love you. Thank you for being my friend.

(I wish I had a teddy bear room for you to stay in when you come visit!)

jenny said...

Thanks for that beautiful post, Mom. I'm grateful that you are my mother and my friend. I'm grateful that I get to share this Thanksgiving day with you.

Gram said...

Mom and I have to give a 3 minute talk during our PH/RS combined meeting Sunday. I hope you don't mind that I plan to read your Thanksgiving remarks, then add my own. You have said things so well.
Happy Thanksgiving daughter!

Richard said...

Well written and meaningful post, Janet. I love you!


Gram said...

Gramps is cheating! You did a beautiful post and I loved the way you worded everything and even did the colors for the grandchildren. He has know for two weeks he had to give a 3 minute talk and he couldn't come up with anything so it is nice you gave him the inspiration to use. We are so blessed to have a daughter that has appreciation for the scriptures and the fine things of life and shares her talent for decorating with other. Love You, Janet!

Ryan said...

Janet, that was a great post. Nine is my favorite number too - surprisingly for the very same reasons!