Monday, January 12, 2009

Connor's Game

After school today I was in the kitchen with Connor making cookies. He got a piece of paper and pen and asked me how to spell "heaven." Then he announced that he had made a game. He drew a person and a path with squares to get to heaven. I was to ask him questions and if he answered them correctly he could mark the squares and get to "heaven." Here are the questions I asked and he amazingly answered each one quickly and correctly and got right to heaven.

1. What does CTR stand for?
2. Whose birthday is at Christmastime?
(At this point he said the questions were too easy and I should make them harder)
3. What are the names of Nephi's naughty brothers?
4. What color is the shield on a CTR ring?
5. Who saw Jesus and Heavenly Father in the Sacred Grove?
6. What is the name of our prophet today? (Laura cued him with Thomas . . .)
7. What should you do when you are 19-years-old?
8 .To get to heaven Who are we trying be like?

When he got to "heaven" he drew another stick figure to represent his arrival.

What a delightful, and smart boy!
(His mother must be a very good teacher)


Gram said...

Connor is one smart kid! I just agree with you wholeheartedly that Laura is an AMAZING Mom who devotes and uses her education to benefit her family. I know she would like a larger home but I think that living in the smaller area has helped her spend a great deal more time with her children.

Mary said...

That is such a fun story. I miss Connor! And I wish Laura was here to teach me children all that stuff!;)