Thursday, November 26, 2009

SLC Trip

Tuesday I got to take my parents to the airport at 6 am for their flight to Texas to spend Thanksgiving with my sister's family. Since I was up early and in Salt Lake County I took the opportunity to attend the Oquirrh Mountain Temple.

Timpanogos before sunrise from the temple

Since I was so far west and south in Salt Lake County I drove by our first home in West Jordan. We bought this home brand new in February 1983. Originally the white siding was trimmed in black; it has since been changed to gray. Rich planted the grass with seed in the front yard. Nanna bought the three trees in the front as a gift to us. Those are the front steps that Rich slipped down when they were icy and broke his ankle. It's the home we brought our baby son Brian home to. Laura (she was Annie then) learned to ride a bike in that driveway. I remember rocking Mary to sleep for her nap everyday in the livingroom; the rocking chair was in the bay window. I usually fell asleep while rocking her and Laura would wake me up to say Mary was asleep and now we could have our "school time." We had all our family for Thanksgiving dinner on a makeshift table in the livingroom in 1983. Then in 1984 we moved to Seoul, Korea. We only lived in this house for a little over a year, but I enjoyed a little walk down memory lane on Tuesday.


Richard said...

When I go to the airport, I don't stop at the temple on the way home. You're a great example of temple attendance.

Love, Rich

Gram said...

Thanks for the ride to the airport and I am glad you enjoyed your visit to the temple and enjoying the beautiful mountains early in the morning.