Thursday, January 21, 2010

Songs of the Spirit

Just before Christmas I read on the blog Light Refreshments Served, this, written by Emily Watts:

"Well, it's almost here. And in the calm before the storm, I wanted to write a post about how I really feel about Jesus Christ, but then I found my words so inadequate that I almost backed out altogether. Then it occurred to me that many gifted and inspired writers before me had already expressed what I'm feeling, so I thought I'd borrow their words to share a few of the thoughts of my own heart this season:

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me. Oh, it is wonderful.

And when I think that God, His Son not sparing, sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in.

Ponder anew what the Almighty can do, who with His love doth befriend thee.

And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long, steals on the ear the distant triumph song, and heart are brave again, and arms are strong. Alleluia!

He lives! and while He lives, I'll sing! He lives, my prophet, priest, and King!

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay close by me forever, and love me, I pray.

Oh, that our faith may never move, but stand unshaken as Thy love, sure evidence of things unseen.

Hallelujah! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth!"

Which reminded me of this, hanging in my Teddy Bear Room:

I love inspirational music! Roger Hoffman wrote a song called "Songs of the Spirit," which is what inspirational music is to me. (Two of my playlists are SOS Instrumental and SOS Vocal) It's music that teaches truth, helps me to feel the Spirit and just makes me happy.

Here are some of my favorite SOS phrases:

Be still my soul, leave to thy God to order and provide.

Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee.

I want to be a window to His love, so you can look through me and you'll see Him.

So everyday I pray He'll write His will upon my heart, and in time this simple life will be His masterpiece

Jesus, the very thought of Thee, with sweetness fills my breast.

it's all good


jenny said...

I love this post, Mom. I love the idea of sharing your testimony in the perfect words other have shared. You're one amazing daughter of God!

denise said...

I also liked that post on Light Refreshments Served. Thanks for reminding me of it again.

Richard B said...

You are amazing in what you do and all that you do. I'm glad you have your mother's desire for reading and being spiritual.

Gram said...

What a beautiful post you made. You are amazing and I appreciate all you lovely comments.

Thanks too, for having your old parents to dinner on Sunday's. You don't know how appreciated it is. I love you!