Thursday, June 7, 2012


I'm the proud of owner of a new feeding tube!  It's called the MicKey and it's more low profile than the last one with the tube attached.

They just pulled the old one our and put the new one in. According to Rich who was in the room, it made a loud popping sound and there was some blood. It hurt but just for a second.  The MicKey is kept in place by a balloon that it filled with water.

Unfortunately, two days after I got it, the ballon deflated and it came out. Rich rushed me to the hospital and they easily attached a new MicKey.  Of course, my stomach contents came pouring out of the hole. By the time I got to the hospital I was a wet mess.  They put a bigger size in and so hopefully it won't happen again.


Krystal said...

Sounds like you need an emergency kit! I keep one with Martin at all times--it has a spare button, foley catheters in case the spare button fails, gauze, scissors, syringes to check the button, extra extension sets, bags, and 60ml syringes. Wherever he goes, that bag goes, and it has saved us more than once!

I love reading your blog Janet, your spirit is so strong, and the happiness you have about your family and life is so obvious.

Congrats on your new button! We have little fabric pads we keep around that have worked quite well to keep it dry, and thus help stop granulation tissue from forming. We're going on our second year of the gtube, and haven't had the need for any granulation tissue remove. I truly believe those button buddies help!


Gram said...

I am so sorry that happened to you, my dear. Rich got you to the hospital quickly and it got taken care of. From reading the above post it looks like you aren't the first person it hs happened to. That extra kit to have with you sounds like a good idea. You have done an amazing job of keeping your spirits up & everyone around you, as well!