Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My New York Peeps

Since I'm going home tomorrow I wanted to record my feelings for my "New York Peeps." Here I go in order of how long I've known each of them:

Laura: What can I say about my "firstborn in the Wymount?" I've always felt that the words from the poem "Mother to Child" by Carol Lynn Pearson apply to my relationship with Laura: I'm "merely an older equal doing her faltering best for a dear, small friend." Laura is an amazing person, competent, insightful and so pleasant to be around. Really, it's so easy to be with her because she is calm and happy and doesn't upset easily. It is a joy to watch her mothering; she is patient, loving, kind, always teaching. Where in the world did she learn all this? She has certainly surpassed me, but I'm glad I could be her friend and learn from her. I know having three little ones will be at times overwhelming, but I have complete confidence in her ability to not only survive, but to thrive in her new role as mother of THREE!

Alan: Alan is a hard-worker. He works hard to support his family and he works hard to play with them and take care of them and entertain them. He is a loving and gentle father. He teaches patiently, makes up silly songs (hey, hey b'dokoshay, anyone?) and makes newspaper hats on a whim. He is always interested in new places and new experiences ("there's an Indian lunch buffet on the corner!") He's a man of simple tastes; a good Macoun apple and freshly made peanut butter make him REALLY happy and he wants to share the joy. Mostly, Laura loves him and what could make a mother-in-law happier than that?

Connor: I love Connor's smile - it literally lights up his face! I love the kind way he kisses his baby brother and says "Oh Andrew, you're so cute," like he's in love. In the morning he climbs into Abby's crib and reads her a story and plays with her and then when they are really ready to get up, he climbs out and finds an adult and says, "Abby wants to get out now." The three words that Connor says the most are "play with me," but coming in for a close second are "I love you," and he says it sweetly and randomly throughout the day. I love you, Connor!

Abigail: Abby has a unique communication method using grunts, pointing her finger and nodding or shaking her head to each guess until you get it right. It's not too efficient, but it is quite effective, especially if she's surrounded with people who care enough to figure it out, which fortunately for her, is always. I love her giggle and "yah" when you guess it right! Actually just her giggle is enough to make your heart sing. She loves Connor and randomly through the day she gives him hugs and kisses, something she doesn't really do with anyone else. I'm amazed with her manual dexterity at just 21 months there really isn't anything she can't get into if she wants to: zippers, ziplock bags, pens & markers, make-up (think Nanajan's purse) She doesn't say too many words, but she's mastered Mama, Daddy, Andwoo and most importantly: NANA!

Andrew: Oh that wonderful, lovely smell! And the perfect roundness of his head, which by the way, he is holding up amazingly well for only three weeks. He lets me rock him to sleep with a binky, all wrapped up like a burrito. Laura says she thinks that I trained Abby with the binky when I was here for her birth, and I must be pretty good at it, because she still really likes her binky! There just isn't anything sweeter than a new baby in a family for bringing love and a bit of heaven to a home.

P.S. lest you think I'm really good at the blogging thing, Laura helped me with the pictures!


Richard B said...

Great comments and photo's. It's so touching to read family blogs and feel the love, respect, and consideration each has for the other. We'll be glad to have you home Janet.

Gram said...

I loved all those wonderful words, words that you are so good at.The description of each person fit them so well and made me love them even more. The pictures are just precious. Andrew looks like such a sweet lovely boy. He seems so alert and will be as clever as his brother and siater since he has such great teaching parents. It will be nice to have you home, though. Especially since I may have to have more surgery.

Karrissa Winward said...

What a cute tribute to the Buchanans!

laura said...

Thank you, Mom. We have LOVED having you here. Thanks so much for coming and for all your help. What will we do without you?

WIKKY said...

What great pictures... Will you come and do our family pics next time? Just kidding, but they are priceless. Looks like you had a great time in New York (how can you not?)
(this is Whitney Hall, by the way)