Sunday, March 16, 2008

Praying for Snow

We've had a snowy weekend for March. Saturday we were in the sitting room watching it snow and everyone was lamenting the continuation of winter weather, except for me - I am planning to ski in the new snow on Monday morning! Jenny said accusingly, "Mom, have you been praying for snow?" Actually, I haven't (just wishing, does that count?) but I thought it was a nice compliment that Jenny thought that I had the power to the pray up a weather change. I really don't think God cares too much about me getting to ski, but I do feel His presence when I'm on the beautiful snow-covered mountain trails.

P.S. It's always great to have Jenny home from USU. She brings JOY, and I'm not the only girl for a little while!


jenny said...

It's always great being home. I miss my mom and best friend while I'm away!

Gram said...

It was so nice to have Jenny here for dinner and I especially appreciated her help in clearing and loading the dishwasher. I hope your skiing was good this morning.