Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas 2008

Christmas Eve

Jenny and Trevor

Rich reading a Christmas story

Ayden's headspin

Sohpie and McKinley performing "Jingle Bells"

Jenny and Mary singing "Mother's Lullaby"

Todd reading "I Believe in Santa Claus"

Michael, Trevor and Logan performing their Christmas Eve Dance
and Ayden in the guest role

Four pretty girls

Cute Sophie

Christmas jammies

Christmas Jammies in New York

Christmas Morning

Christmas Gifts

Rich's Bidet Toilet Seat

Beautiful nativity painting from all my kids

My iphone

The back where I had an engraving:
the symbol for Faith, Hope and Charity in a
Gothic Arch

Ayden thought that "swimming puppy" went nicely with the nativity set

It was a wonderful Christmas!


Richard B said...

I need to put the pictures on our digital frame. Thanks for the great time, gifts and love.

Gram said...

We did have a great Christmas and I'm glad I could be a part of it with your family.

I also wish Brian and Anna good luck.

laura said...

So sad we missed it! It looks like it was fun, as usual.

I can't believe Dad got a bidet. Awesome!