Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mr. Lincoln . . . and Me

Happy 200th Birthday, Mr. Lincoln!

Because My Dear Husband loves and admires Mr. Lincoln so, we are celebrating his 200th birthday today. I have no doubt that he will be posting on his blog today.

Today also marks the 43rd anniversary of my baptism. I was baptized on this day in 1966 in Oslo, Norway (in the basement of the mission home) by my father, wearing a white dress made by my mother and topped with this lovely red velvet jacket:

(I blogged about my baptism last year on this date, but couldn't find this lovely picture until this morning)

A dear Korean friend of ours, Betty, who was baptized while we were serving in Daejeon after attending free English class for several years, said on her baptism day that she would from now on count that day as her birthday ~ the day she was "reborn."

And so, in that fine tradition I am grateful to share my "re-birthday" with Mr. Lincoln.


Jill Parsons said...

That is awesome Janet. I would have to look at my baptism date to see when I got baptized. My baptism was not as special as your or most people in the church. I was taken to the church and told this was what was happening. It did not mean much at the time but now it means everything. Plus I don't have a picture, oh yea neither does Karrissa for some reason. Thanks for sharing.

Kim said...

Such a cute picture. You look so "Rife" as we call it, but now that we know it's more you, I guess we have to call it "Parsons."
You need to explain why you were "reborn" in Norway. You are one international chica (sorry, don't know how to say girl in any other language)

Richard B said...

I didn't remember that you were baptized on 12 Feb. I remember that picture of our cute little girl. Thanks for keeping us informed.

Keith Parsons said...

Oh yeah!

I'm quite impressed that you'd share that picture. You were always a bit embarrassed of 'those years'...

Leave it to a brother to tease his big sister...

I too remember being baptized in the basement of the Oslo Mission Home. Good memories.

jenny said...

I'm so grateful you were baptized and lived such a righteous life. You are a great example to me and I'm grateful to be born into such a great family.