Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Random Happy Pictures

These pictures just make me happy

PapaRich reading Sophie Lynn to sleep.
Just before she fell asleep, she was sitting on the arm of the chair and started to fall back, Rich caught her with his arm and she shouted, "Papa, you saved me!"

Uncle Roger came into town and took us to dinner.
I snapped these photos of "The Brothers Rife"

A couple of handsome devils!
Literally, Springville High Red Devils!

And a little happiness from my garden:

I just can't get enough of my beloved forget-me-nots.
Those perfect little flowers in the perfect periwinkle color.

My favorite primary colors and the gothic arch light

It's all good!


Richard B said...

Great random happy pictures for us to enjoy.

Richard said...

Roger's face looks thinner than mine, but he's actually much heavier than I am by any objective scale.

Gram said...

Great photos! I love your beautiful flowers, especially the forget-me-nots. It was nice Roger came to town to see all of you. I think he looks older than Rich, possibly because of the facial hair.