Thursday, February 3, 2011

Weight Watchers

I'm always trying to lose weight ~ unsuccessfully. I have a sort of rebellious spirit about it, which is kind of strange because I'm not naturally a rebellious person; I'm your basic "first-child conformist." But I don't like recording what I eat, I just want to eat whatever I want ~ anytime I want it! Which has kept me at the same weight for the past 14 years. A few things happened which got me motivated to try again:

1. This picture, granted it's not my best side, but wow, talk about wide!

2. I've been hearing the ads for the new Weight Watchers points system and how fruits and vegetables are zero points, which appealed to me. And they have an iphone app!

3. When I thought about it I realized that the last time I actually lost weight and kept it off was after Jenny (who is turning 22 this month!) was born. And I did it doing Weight Watchers, and became a lifetime member. Apparently back then I wasn't quite so rebellious and actually did keep a food record and weigh-in every week.

So I rejoined Weight Watchers.

Well, I'm only on day three, but so far, so good.

I must admit that another factor is that My Dear Husband is doing awesome at dieting and exercising in this new year. He's already lost 11 pounds! So I'm feeling the pressure to start losing the lbs, too.


Gram said...

It worked for me once very long ago. I got down to my goal weight before Dad returned from Viet Nam . . . many pounds ago.

Mary said...
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Mary said...
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Mary said...

You can do it Mom! I'm so proud of you!