Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dear Sons of Mine:

I just spent an hour cleaning the "Texaco" bathroom. UGH!!! I love living with you guys and your help with yardwork, dishes, etc. is much appreciated. But I really never meant for my basement to resemble a FRATERNITY HOUSE!

Here's the deal - that job chart I made for Saturday chores was NOT a suggestion! I meant for you to do it EVERY week, ideally WITHOUT reminders from me. This is what I ask from you for your rent free, free food (for two of you) and free car, insurance, gas & allowance (for one of you) life. I EXPECT you to do it EVERY weekend.

Your signature below says that you GET IT and will take care of this from now on.

All my love,

Thankfully, there are no pictures with this post


Gram said...

You are brave putting this on your blog Janet. So dear grandsons of mine, listen to your mother and father and get with the program. In my day I had to use an outhouse, with a Sears catalog for TP,take a bath in a round metal tube once a week and sleep in an add on back cold room. I'm serious about these conditions and you should be serious about your opportunities and privileges. So there!!

Gram said...

Oops, this is grandpa (gramps) putting these comments on Grams computer.

jenny said...

Good post, Mom! You definitely should not have had to clean that!

laura said...

EW. I can just picture it. I hope you printed this letter for the boys and really made them sign it. Seriously, I've seen how dis.gus.ting that bathroom can get. Ew.

Gram said...

This is gram this time. You mother shouldn't have to clean that up. Each of you should take a little pride in your surroundings and clean up after you use the bathroom. Prevention is half the battle. The shower would stay cleaner longer if you clean it well, then put car wax on it, polish and every time you shower squeegee it down. Toilets are not hard to clean if you do it weekly. Open the window and get a little air in the shower to help dry it.