Michael Lincoln Rife
Michael and his Dad with the court in the background
Today we went to court in Provo and officially changed Michael's middle name from Thomas to Lincoln! Anyone who knows Rich knows that he loves and admires Abraham Lincoln, so naturally he wanted to name a son after him. When Michael was born, number six child in our family, I kept track of the kids' activities, appointments, etc in my planner by using their initials. Since I already had an "ML" for Mary Lynn, I thought it would be too confusing to have another "ML," so we went with Thomas for Michael's middle name. Well, now that he's the only one at home, that point is moot (or moo - like a cow's opinion) and since we happen to have a lawyer in the family, we made the change. So it's official, our third son is Michael Lincoln Rife. Now for all the hassle of changing his birth certificate, driver license, social security, etc!
Go Michael Lincoln! Good thing that lawsuits (and petitions for name change) are free for me.
Yay for Michael Lincoln!!
Glad things worked out for Michael L.
All that paperwork, but now is better than later. Congratulations!
Hey, congrats to Michael Lincoln. Don't forget to change his membership record as well. I'll have to change it in PAF now. We're happy to have a Michael Lincoln in the family but I may forget and say Michael T., not on purpose though.
haha that's funny! So yeah my mom told me you guys were released...some part of joy was with her as she would not have to attend girls camp next year... :-)
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